



Setting up an LLC in Ukraine for Non-Residents: Key Aspects

In this guide, we outline the essential steps for non-residents to establish a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Ukraine. Ukrainian residents can also expedite the company registration process online via the Diia portal.

Svitlana Lapitska



Geltendmachung eines Insolvenzvertiefungsschadens gegenüber dem Abschlussprüfer

Kommentar im Betriebs-Berater, BB 35/2024, S. 1967-1970

Dr. Eike Dirk Eschenfelder, Dipl. Volkswirt



Abmahnungen von Interessenverbänden im E-Zigarettenhandel

Der Markt für E-Zigaretten wächst weltweit seit Jahren kontinuierlich und soll laut Statista bis 2029 einen Umsatz von knapp 30 Milliarden Euro erreichen. Auch in Deutschland wächst der Markt. Der weltweit größte privatwirtschaftliche Hersteller von Tabakprodukten, Philip Morris, ist kürzlich in den deutschen Markt für Einweg-E-Zigaretten eingestiegen.

Dr. Jan Rasmus Ludwig,

Erik Czwak



Unlocking the Potential: Part III – Licensing and Compliance Criteria for Medical Cannabis in Ukraine

Effective 16 August 2024, Ukraine's Medical Cannabis Law will enhance patient access to medical cannabis for specific conditions and regulate its use for medical, educational, and research purposes. This legislation also creates investment opportunities and simplifies industrial hemp cultivation, though recreational cannabis remains illegal.

Dr. Jan Rasmus Ludwig,

Svitlana Lapitska



Möglichkeiten der Haftungsbeschränkung von GmbH-Geschäftsführern in der Praxis

Beitrag in: Betriebs-Berater, BB 32/2024, S. 1795-1801

Dr. Stefan Reuter, LL.M., Maître en droit,

Sonja Ströhle



Simple Guide to Executing a Power of Attorney in Germany for Ukraine

In today’s interconnected world, navigating cross-border legal procedures is essential. For individuals and businesses operating between Ukraine and Germany, arranging a power of attorney is crucial for the effective management of business activities, property, and financial matters. As more Ukrainians and businesses establish themselves in Germany, we are here to streamline the process of formalizing legal authority. Our guide provides a clear, step-by-step approach to help you navigate this process efficiently.

Svitlana Lapitska

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